“Healing After Death of a Loved One” program of education
The Bereavement Support Ministry will present a 7-week program of education and grief support on “Healing After Death of a Loved One” beginning on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 6:30pm in the Benvegnu Center.
There will be a fee of $15.00 to cover the cost of materials. However, no one will be refused participation for lack of funds. This group is open to anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one through death and feel they need support through their grief. Please call prior to February 20th so we may talk with you regarding your loss. We also need to know beforehand how many participants we will have to prepare the materials which will be presented at the first session. Please call also if you have any questions regarding the group to Deacon David Osman, 801-527-2021 or LaRee Osman, Parish Nurse, 801-527-2025.