Parish Life


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Ministers and servers at the altar, ages 10 and above, assist at parish liturgies and other events. Training takes place throughout the year. Young members of the parish are encouraged to participate in the ministry.
Contact: Jeff Allen 801-652-2892,
Parish Office: 801-272-9216 or


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The Sacrament of the Sick is available to those dealing with illness or special need. It is particularly appropriate at the time of a surgery or medical procedure. If you are planning a surgery, and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please call the parish office. Do not wait for an emergency if at all possible. Communal celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick takes place in the parish during the seasons of Lent and Advent. Individual celebration can be arranged at any time.

Hospital Ministry assignments are as follows:

Salt Lake Regional Medical Center

  • Rev. Anastasius Iwuoha: 801-839-6013

Veterans Medical Center

  • Rev. Bruce Clatham: 801-582-1565 ext. 4280

LDS Hospital

  • The Cathedral of the Madeline
    Parish Staff: 801-205-9909
    Rev. Joseph Delka

Primary Children’s Hospital, Shriners Hospital, University of Utah Medical Center, Huntsman Medical Center

  • Rev. Michael Buckley: 801-407-9544

St. Marks Hospital, Intermountain Medical Center

  • Saint Vincent de Paul Parish: 801-272-9216
  • Msgr. Joubran Bon Mehri: 801-833-3550

Pioneer Valley Hospital

  • Saints Peter and Paul Parish
    Rev. Francisco Pires: 801-966-5111

Lone Peak Hospital

  • St John the Baptist Parish: 801-890-0888

Alta View Hospital

  • Blessed Sacrament Parish
    Rev. Sam Dinsdale: 801-571-5517

Jordan Valley Hospital

  • Saint Joseph the Worker
    Rev. Marco Tuilo Lopez: 801-255-8902

Provo and Orem Area Hospitals

  • St. Francis of Assisi Parish: 801-221-0750


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The 9:00AM Mass is interpreted for the Deaf each Sunday. Interpreters are available for Funerals, Holy Days, Faith Formation, RCIA, and other events as requested.
Parish Office: 801-272-9216 or


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Canned goods, non-perishables and other forms of assistance are available to individuals and families experiencing hardships or crisis.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216 and


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Our parish and the diocese provide programs, classes, missions, retreats and lectures for the faith enrichment of adults. Look for information in the weekly bulletin.
Contact: Marianne McCord 801-527-2037,
Rectory: 801-272-9216,


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Each year the parish provides a series of five or six lectures focusing on spiritual growth. The topics may include theological issues, moral or ethical concerns, scripture studies or Church History or doctrine. These lectures are a great opportunity to learn more about our faith. Speakers and instructors come from local church and educational institutions.


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Parishioners host and direct study groups for both men and women, who pray, discuss and learn about the Sacred Scriptures. Different books of the Bible are chosen for different seasons and purposes. Supplemental resources are used to assist in the study. Groups meet on different days and times. New groups could be formed based on interest.


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The Saint Vincent de Paul men’s group and bible study is a wonderful group where men of the community come together to grow closer to God and each other. We focus on bible-based studies to deepen our relationship with Christ and continually discover the path He has laid out for us. We meet on Friday mornings from 6:30AM – 7:30AM in Holy Family Hall. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Contact: Jason Caywood 801-946-1072,


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This women’s group meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30AM in the Parish Benvegnu Center. The study uses videos and workbooks from Ascension Press to provide structure to the discussions. These materials provide an in depth look at many of the books of the Bible from the Old and New Testaments. All are invited and welcome to participate in this study. No prior knowledge of the Scriptures is necessary. Come and gain… “a newfound understanding of God’s Word that will transform your life and bring you closer to Christ.”
Contact: Mari McCord 801-527-2037,


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The CFU exists to strengthen the Catholic Church in Utah through the accumulation of permanent endowment donations. Saint Vincent de Paul parish and school benefits from a number of established family endowments held at the CFU. The original financial gift is maintained an interest earned supports us each year. If you are interested in establishing an endowment, or to donate to an existing endowment, contact Fr. Norman at the parish office.
Contact: Parish Office: 801-272-9216,


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While the entire parish church is open most days for private prayer, especially at the Tabernacle, the Chapel of the Holy Cross is another quiet spot for meditation and prayer. It is located at the eastern entrance to the church. A crucifix is placed at the front of the chapel to remind us of the compassionate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. There are times that there may be another event or a rehearsal in the main body of the church. Please take advantage of the Chapel of the Cross as a special spot for individual prayer.


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There are many ways to be a good steward in your parish. Parishioners are invited to be generous in a regular form of giving through parish envelopes. This helps the parish to keep an accurate record of giving and to provide a reliable annual report for tax purposes. Parishioners may choose to give weekly, monthly or quarterly. We also have the option of electronically contributing in a variety of ways. All the above can be arranged through the parish office.

Parishioners are given the opportunity to support special collections and drives throughout each year. Saint Vincent de Paul Parish provides financial support to those in need through the “Sister Angela Marie Fund” and “Parish Food Bank”. Special programs of giving take place in our parish during the seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition we support community outreach and service programs when possible.

There are many opportunities to give through Endowment, Special Projects, Wills, Bequests and other special means. Please consider these as a way to offer support to your parish for years to come. The parish will provide resources to help execute and develop a well-planned program of charitable giving.


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There are many opportunities to share the musical and vocal gifts of our parishioners. We have a Children’s Choir, Parish Choir, Schola, Cantorum, Bell Choir and Folk Choir. There are cantors at each liturgical event. The parish liturgies are enhanced by these choirs and musicians. A variety of musical instruments are incorporated into our liturgical celebrations weddings and funerals.
Contact: Scott Larrabee 801-835-2782,
Judi Kirigin 801-943-9723,


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In cooperation with Holladay City, community garden plots are available on an area of the parish property located below the playing fields. If this is of interest to you sign-ups take place in the early spring.
Contact: Gwyneth McNeil 801-273-4686


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The Saint Vincent de Paul Council of Catholic Women is a group of service oriented, hard-working, spiritual women who have fun while responding with gospel values to the needs of our parish and our community. We are affiliated with the broader Church through the National Council of Catholic Women and the Salt Lake City Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Come and join us.
Contact: Pres. Mindi Allen 801-556-0343,
VP Jody Smith


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The many ministries, offices and services of the Diocese of Salt Lake City are supported by the DDD. This yearly diocesan appeal is coordinated on a local/parish level and uses parish volunteers.
Contact: Jason Caywood 385-256-5069,


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Catholics who have had a Sacramental Marriage, and are presently civilly divorced, are in no way separated from the reception of the Eucharist due to their current situation. An annulment from the sacramental marriage may be needed so that another sacramental marriage could take place. There are often misunderstanding regarding marriage and divorce and you are encouraged to seek clarification as soon as possible.
Contact: Parish Office: 801-272-9216,
Jeff Allen 801-652-2892,


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The City of Holladay is involved in an on-going program for emergency needs. Our parish buildings have been designated as disaster gathering sites. Parishioners are encouraged to volunteer to be coordinators in their neighborhoods. Each parishioner should become familiar with exits for each building on our parish campus.
Contact: Parish Office: 801-272-9216,


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Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are trained within the parish to assist at liturgies for the distribution of the Eucharist. Ministers assist at the Weekend Liturgies.
Contact: Parish Office: 801-272-9216,

Extra-Ordinary Ministers also take the Eucharist to area health care residences, retirement centers, hospitals and private homes.
Contact: BJ Barber 801-897-0702,


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The facilities at Saint Vincent de Paul are available for rent for special events. Arrangements for rental are made through the parish office. There are many requests and use is always subject to availability. Priority is always given to 1.) parish/school activities, 2.) diocesan activities, 3) other Catholic parishes and schools, 4) other requested uses. Funeral and bereavement luncheons are given priority along with receptions following weddings that take place in our parish church. Our parish facilities are not available for private business and/or personal profit. Serving alcohol at any event is subject to local laws and may require some time to provide for permits.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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Saint Vincent de Paul Parish dedicates many resources to the education of its children and parish members. The Faith Formation Office is located in the Benvegnu Center. Students are educated at all levels and ages. Special attention is given to sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Other special classes are arranged according to any individual needs. We acknowledge that parents are their children’s primary teachers and we encourage their participation at all levels. Our teachers are trained and certified as Catechists, They are required to participate in the Safe Environment Training and the safety screening. We frequently can use more catechists or classroom aides.
Contact: Marianne McCord 801-527-2037,


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Parishioners and staff cooperate and share talents in assisting with the administration of parish and school resources and finances. The Finance Committee develops budgets and oversees expenses. Saint Vincent de Paul Parish uses accounting software shared through-out the Diocese of Salt Lake. Diocesan policies are followed in all financial matters.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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Parishioners can take advantage of this opportunity to receive parish announcements and reminders of the feast days of saints, special Sunday celebrations, bulletin announcements, etc. One may subscribe to this service on the parish website or visit


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Saint Vincent de Paul Parish assists the hungry locally through our own parish food bank. Donations can be left at any time in the entryway of the church. Non-perishable food items are needed throughout the year. Please remember the parish food bank as you make your regular food purchases and keep the pantry full. Gift cards from area grocery stores are another way to give.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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The death of a family member or friend is always difficult and a source of deep human suffering and loss. It is a benefit to everyone if some planning takes place well before the death. It is a great gift to your own family if you have some instructions prepared that can be followed at the time of your death. The parish can assist you in this process. Do not hesitate to meet with the pastor or member of the parish team to help you with this task. It is important that you let others know about your wishes regarding music, scripture selection, flowers and other wishes. This document should be part of your personal file at home or in another secure place.

At the death of a family member or loved one, please notify the parish office. We will provide assistance in planning the Mass, burial and other services. Our parish is a valuable resource and support during these difficult times. We suggest that parishioners have plans established well in advance of an illness or death. There are many parish resources to assist in this planning.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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An important parish function is to provide support for families following the death of a family member. We provide a luncheon following a funeral Mass on our parish site. Parishioners provide the food, as well as serve the buffet meal. Volunteers are needed in both areas.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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Parishioners in, or approaching, their “golden” years are encouraged to participate in the Golden Club. Meetings take place on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, September through May. Members celebrate Mass, lunch, conversation and other special events.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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If you know that you or a member of your family is going to be in an area hospital for any reason, please let us know. We have parish ministers to both Intermountain Medical Center and St. Mark’s Hospitals. Make sure when you register at these hospitals you indicate that you are a Roman Catholic and would like to be visited or to receive communion. Ministers of the Eucharist also visit area care and rehabilitation centers. Please inform the parish office of family members or friends who may be in these facilities.


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Special events associated with holidays, liturgical seasons, parish celebrations, coffees, picnics and other gatherings are a regular part of our parish life. There always is a need for volunteers and involvement.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization dedicated to promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious and social welfare works, rendering mutual aid and assistance to sick and needy members, their families, and providing insurance products and annuities to benefit members, their wives, and children. Here at St. Vincent de Paul, the Knights support and provide a variety of programs for the Parish, school and community. Some of these include: backpacks for needy children, diaper drives, personal care item drives, coffee and donuts, breakfasts and dinners, as well as many other Parish and school social events. We always are looking for men 18 and older who would like to volunteer and help strengthen the number of programs offered by the Knights of Columbus here at our Parish.
Contact: Grand Knight Gary Cabana 385-228-8842,


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Lectors are trained to proclaim the scriptures during the Liturgy of the Word during daily and Sunday Eucharistic celebrations. They also assist at other liturgical events. Lectors generally are of middle school age or older.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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Movies, documentaries and other forms of cinema can be outstanding sources of knowledge, emotional experiences and instruction in so many areas of human life. A different film is shown each Monday during Lent in Holy Family Hall. They may be commercially released movies, documentaries, short films or instructional films. They are shown on a large screen television. Group discussion frequently is part of the experience.


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The Merton Group is a small group that meets on most Sunday mornings in the Parish Benvegnu Center immediately after the 9:00AM Mass. The meetings last about an hour, making it convenient to attend either of the morning Masses before or after discussion. We cover a variety of topics, which are chosen by the members of the group. Books authored by Thomas Merton, from whom the group name comes, are often used, but we are not limited to any author or subject. We read out loud and discuss as we go, with the goal being to understand the content rather than hurry through the book. All are invited and welcome to join this group for interesting discussions about different topics that help to enrich our faith life.
Contact: Marianne McCord 801-527-2037,


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Nano Nagle Center is an Infant/Toddler Program for ages 6 weeks to 23 months and a two/three year olds. Full and part-time options are available. This program is available year-around, Monday-Friday, from 7:00AM-6:00PM. The parish pre-school program, for 4 year olds, is associated with the parish school.
Contact: Michelle Gillespie 801-272-9670


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Adults who are interested in learning more about the Roman Catholic faith, and may want to be baptized and received into the Roman Catholic Church are part of the RCIA. Instruction begins in late summer and continues throughout the year, culminating at Easter. Note: depending on circumstances this may be a two year process. Baptisms and Confirmations take place at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. This is an intensive program of faith growth and development. Parishioners are encouraged to act as sponsors and contributors to the RCIA.
Contact: Marianne McCord 801-527-2037,


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Volunteers from the parish count weekly parish collections. Standard accounting practices are followed as established by the diocesan directives.


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The weekly parish bulletin is the best way to communicate important information, announcements and activities to the members of the parish. Information that is of general interest to parishioners should be emailed or dropped off at the parish office. The bulletin is printed by Thursday morning for the following weekend. Business and services can purchase advertising that appears in the bulletin.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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Parishioners are invited to share the produce from their gardens. A spot is provided in the entryway of the church for fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the growing season. Parishioners are encouraged to “plant a row for the parish.”


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Parish registration is a great way of creating a sense of belonging. By registering in St. Vincent de Paul Parish, you will be included in parish mailings and communications. Your personal information will not be shared outside the diocesan community. You will receive the Intermountain Catholic and also be provided with envelopes for your regular and charitable giving. This helps the parish provide you with a year-end statement for tax purposes. Registered parishioners also have greater access to the use of parish facilities. Parish registration forms may be found in the entrance of the church or you are welcome to contact us.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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Prayer is foundational to our faith. Saint Vincent de Paul Parish provides many opportunities for personal prayer. The parish church is open almost every day from 8:00AM until 4:00PM. This provides prayer opportunities before the Eucharist in the Tabernacle, Stations of the Cross, lighting of a candle or spiritual reading. The Prayer Garden and Way of the Cross is located at the southeast area of the school. There is a beautiful garden area with places to sit and reflect. There is a walking path of the Way of the Cross.


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Those requesting special prayers for special needs are added to a prayer list that is posted outside the Holy Cross Chapel and are in the weekly bulletin. Parishioners dedicate themselves to remember these special requests in prayer.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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It is an important mission of the church to support and protect human life in all circumstances and under all conditions. Saint Vincent de Paul parish supports Respect Life programs through prayer, communications, reflections, special vigils and observations. We encourage each parishioner to include this important intention in their personal prayers and to be aware of legislative and community actions that support the teachings of the Church in regard to life issues.
Contact: Rose and Gary Cabana 385-228-8842,


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Saint Vincent de Paul Parish has several rosary groups. The rosary times are as follows: Saturday and Thursday mornings following the 9:00AM Mass, on the first Tuesday of the month at 2:00PM and on the fifth Sunday of the month following the 5:00PM Mass, in the Parish Church.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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Classes are held regularly for parents and godparents in order to prepare them as families, for the Sacrament of Baptism. The classes are held on the first Sunday of the month at 10:10AM unless otherwise announced through the bulletin. The Baptism class should be attended well before the Baptism itself. Roman Catholic parents and godparents should be practicing their faith. The class also provides an opportunity to become registered in the parish and to learn about our programs. Baptisms are scheduled following participation in the class.
Contact: Parish Office 801-272-9216,


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Instruction for these sacraments usually takes place starting in the first grade and continuing through the second grade. Preparation occurs both through our Faith Formation Program and through the Parish School. Parents, as always, are included in this program of preparation. Classes are provided for older youngsters who may not have received these sacraments earlier.
Contact: Marianne McCord 801-527-2037,


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Young parishioners at Saint Vincent de Paul are confirmed in the eighth grade or older. Preparation takes place beginning in the seventh grade during the academic year with Confirmation taking place with our bishop in the Spring. Parents are asked to be involved in the preparation of their children for Confirmation.
Contact: Marianne McCord 801-527-2037,


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Preparation of a couple for the Sacrament of Marriage begins when they contact the parish. This should take place at least six months prior to the desired time of their wedding date. At least one member of the wedding couple should be a member of the parish. Preparation includes meeting with the deacon or priest, planning with the parish wedding coordinator, attending a weekend Engaged Encounter, attendance at a Natural Family Planning Workshop and any other possible requirements.
Contact: Jeff Allen 801-652-2892
Parish Office: 801-272-9216 or


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All teachers, aides, coaches, officials, coordinators, extra-ordinary ministers to the sick and volunteers who assist with parish programs involving youth and adults are required to complete safe environment training and certification. They must complete a required background check. This is in compliance with all polices of the Diocese of Salt Lake City.
Contact: Ildiko S. Haycock 801-272-9216,


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Our parish school provides education from pre-school through the eighth grade. Visit the school site for complete information regarding programs, registration, scheduling, for more information on the above and tuition questions.
Contact: Gary Green 801-277-6702,


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Our local soup kitchen is located in downtown Salt Lake City and is directed by Catholic Community Services. It is not connected with our parish, but members of our parish assist in serving lunch one day and dinner one evening each month. Special collections are taken throughout the year to support the Soup Kitchen, Homeless Shelter, Rescue Mission and other social services in our community.
Contact: Bob and Carolee Harmon 801-277-6810,


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Catholic Community Services provides meals for those in need through the Saint Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen in downtown Salt Lake City. Our Parish will help with this need by providing sandwiches each week. There are several ways you can get involved with this program.

  • Bring a loaf of bread to Mass on the first weekend of each month. This should be plain, white, sliced sandwich bread or hamburger buns.
  • Donate money to go towards purchasing supplies. This money will be collected at the back of Church on the first weekend of each month, and will be used to buy meat, cheese, baggies, etc.
  • Sign up to help prepare sandwiches. There will be a scheduled time each week for volunteers to gather in the Benvegnu Center to make the sandwiches. This is an opportunity for individuals, couples, families or groups to help in our community.

Contact: Marianne McCord at 801-527-2037,


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Sister Angela Marie served at Saint Vincent de Paul Parish for many years. She had a particular love and respect for the needy and suffering. Her compassion was noteworthy and she cared for others with great faith and love. The fund that bears her name provides financial assistance to those in special need. Sister Angela died in September 2019. It provides the parish the opportunity to be generous in many ways. The fund provides assistance at the rectory door, through the food bank, special parish programs, Catholic Community Services, and other community efforts to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and provide shelter for the homeless. A special collection takes place each year in the fall. Donations can be made at any time during the year to the Sister Angela Marie Fund.


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Saint Vincent de Paul Parish provides and participates in a variety of sports programs for young men and women. There are opportunities in basketball and volleyball. Parents are invited to fill leadership positions as coaches and officials. Adults are all required to fulfill Safe Environment Training and complete background checks. Programs take place throughout the year and all youth of the parish are eligible.
Contact: School Office 801-277-6702,


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Children from the parish and neighborhood are invited to participate in Vacation Bible School each summer. Opportunities exist for children and adults. The school is centered on Sacred Scripture and the experiences of faith in daily life. Parents, other adults and teens are encouraged to assist in this enjoyable and meaningful week.
Contact: Marianne McCord at 801-527-2037,


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The Vincentinos, named after our parish’s patron, have a long history in our parish. They began as an opportunity for Spanish-speakers of our parish to join together for prayer and enjoyment. Their membership now includes people of all language backgrounds who simply enjoy the opportunities to join together for prayer, special events and social times.
Contact: President Patrick Chaterton 801-268-3786
VP George Pence


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The official parish website is

The parish school website is and can be reached by the SCHOOL link in the menu above.

The website for the diocese is

Parishioners are encouraged to visit these websites frequently for updates and information regarding events and important news items. The parish calendar frequently will be updated on the website and the weekly bulletin can be found there each week.