When the construction starts, what will happen?
As much as we had hoped to have access to the parish church throughout the renovation, it has proved to be impossible. Beginning Monday, August 13th the church will NOT be available for use for more than three weeks for Sunday masses and even longer for daily mass. The construction crews need full access to allow for the easy completion of the entire renovation. These are our required accommodations:
Sunday masses will take place in the parish school gymnasium. Saturday evening mass, confessions and all Sunday masses will be in the gym. This will remind many of us of the days long passed. The entry ways are easy to access. There will be folding chairs, along with the bleachers for seating. It will be easy to find a place.
Friday morning 9:00 am mass will be in the gym. Because the students and faculty join us for daily mass each Friday, we will need the larger space.
Holy Day mass on August 15th will be in the gym. Both the 9:00 am and 7:00 pm holy day masses will take place in the gym.
Daily mass will be held at the rectory throughout the project. Daily 9:00 am mass will be in the rectory. There is a large meeting room that will be set aside for daily mass. One can enter either through the front door or the garage door. There are no steps when entering through the garage.
The Eucharist will be reserved in the parish office. Eucharistic ministers will obtain the Eucharist at the parish office. Eucharistic Adoration scheduled for September 2nd will be in the gym following the 11:30 mass. There is no adoration scheduled on Monday, to observe the holiday. Monday morning mass at 9:00 will be celebrated in the rectory. Adoration for Tuesday through Friday will be in the rectory following morning mass. Entrance for daily adoration will be through the parish office.
There will be NO votive candles available at any time during the entire project. Because of the needs of construction, no candles can be used from Sunday, August 12th until the renovation completion.
These inconveniences will be irritating and challenging. It will require pleasant cooperation from each of us. It will be clumsy and awkward at first. We have had good planning, but something will have been forgotten and overlooked. Help us through it, please.
Let us know if something is hard or unavailable to you. Our crew of ushers will be around to help and assist. We will have the bathrooms open in Holy Family Hall during each mass. There are also bathrooms in the middle of the school hallway.
How lucky we are to have to endure these simple inconveniences for such a great and wonderful purpose.