Fr. Barron’s Catholicism Study Series
To all of our parish parents, adults, and friends:
Join us this spring and summer as we present, twice weekly, a multimedia, worldwide journey into our faith! For the first time, in breathtaking, high-definition cinematography, the beauty, goodness and truth of the Catholic Faith are illustrated in a rich, multimedia experience. Journey with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Fr. Robert Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries. Be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of this global culture that claims more than one billion of the earth’s people. From the sacred lands of Israel to the beating heart of Uganda…from the glorious shrines of Italy, France, and Spain, to the streets of Mexico, Kolkata, and New York City, the fullness of CATHOLICISM is revealed. Journey deep into the Faith as you watch each episode.
Monday nights offer a shorter more intense experience at St. Vincents over 12 weeks. Sundays, between the morning masses, offers a more liesurely, 22 week gateway to discovery. Schedules will be posted in the bulletin, social media, and Flocknotes. Join us in watching these DVD’s or stay and be a part of the total experience, with written materials and discussion groups. If you come to our Monday presentations, or need to miss one, feel free to come back later on a Sunday to review, refresh, and renew your understanding. Escape from the secular world for an hour or two at a time – explore what makes your soul believe!
For more information or to register, please contact the Religious Education Office at 801-527-2037 or email