Church Renovation Update – October 14, 2018
Our special project continues ahead of schedule. It has been a remarkable process. Our contractors and subcontractors have been very dedicated to the work they are doing. They are very aware of the importance of the building and treat their work with great pride and respect. It has been fun and inspiring to watch them work.
This is the work that has been completed:
- Pews are refinished
- Lighting is installed
- Ceilings are replaced in the body of the church
- Concrete in the sanctuary has been poured
- Required demolition is complete
- Baptismal font is nearing completion
- Tabernacle is ready for its new location
- New bathroom is ready to go
- Painting has begun
- Benches and chairs are ready for upholstery.
While the church has already been consecrated, we will have a blessing of the new baptismal font and the newly placed tabernacle. The Blessing Service has been scheduled with Bishop Solis for Friday, January 4, 2019. Please save the date. We will celebrate this important event with a prayer service and a reception.
Many of you have generously responded with financial support. Donors have come forward to sponsor both the font and the tabernacle. A donor has sponsored the refinishing and new upholstery of the sanctuary furniture. Every gift benefits the entire project. Donors can still sponsor individual parts of the project. Contact me if you are interested.
We all look forward to returning to our beautifully renovated parish church in a few short weeks. Thank you for the many ways you have supported your parish.
The Rev. John E. Norman
Pastor, Saint Vincent DePaul Parish